Home 2000s

And Their Refinement of the Decline

Stars Of The Lid



ambiant, pitchfork

  1. Dungtitled (In a Major)
  2. Articulate Silences, Pt. 1
  3. Articulate Silences, Pt. 2
  4. The Evil That Never Arrived
  5. Apreludes (In C Sharp Major)
  6. Don't Bother They're Here
  7. Dopamine Clouds Over Craven Cottage
  8. Even If You're Never Awake
  9. Even (Out) +
  10. A Meaningful Moment Through a Meaning(less) Process
  11. Another Ballad for Heavy Lids
  12. The Daughters of Quiet Minds
  13. Hiberner Toujours
  14. That Finger On Your Temple Is the Barrel of My Raygun
  15. Humectez La Mouture
  16. Tippy's Demise
  17. The Mouthchew
  18. December Hunting for Vegetarian Fuckface

Un excellent bon album d'ambiant minimale à drones, je ne sais déjà plus comment je l'ai connu. C'est le 7e et dernier album du duo Stars Of The Lid. Les arrangements sont composés d'instruments classiques. C'est beau, sensible, majestueux, ça dure 2h quand même.

Les accords VI IV sur Humectez La Mouture.